๐Ÿ›๏ธ1.3 - Law Enforcement Code of Ethics

a) All department employees must be fully aware of the ethical responsibilities of their position and must strive constantly to live up to the highest possible standards of professional policing. Consequently, the department shall adopt a Code of Ethics as a guideline for the performance of its duties.

i) All sworn and civilian employees shall receive instruction on the Department "Code of Ethics", at a minimum, biennially. ii) "Code of Ethics" review can be in the form of classroom, shift briefing, computer-based training, or training bulletins. The Department has adopted the following Code of Ethics for all officers, who will swear to this Code of Ethics upon receipt of their commissions.

As a Blaine County Sheriff's deputy, I recognize that I am given special trust and confidence by the San Andreas Government and the public that I serve. This trust and confidence is my bond to ensure that I behave according to the highest professional principles. In furtherance of this bond, I will hereby abide by the following Code of Ethics:

  • I shall ensure that in the performance of my duties, I will administer and enforce the law in accordance with the principles of the San Andreas government and all applicable laws of the State so that equal and fair protection of the public and the law, to ensure the peopleโ€™s rights and due process is guaranteed to all.

  • I shall demonstrate standards of behavior in accordance with the responsibilities, duties, obligations, and commitments of all officers, to ensure a proper example of standards is set for all to follow.

  • I shall adhere to the standards and principles of honesty and integrity at all times, leaving my personal life unsullied or untainted as an example for all to follow.

  • I shall ensure there is proper personal accountability and responsibility for all property and persons entrusted within my care.

  • I shall practice discretion and logical judgements and decisions to aid the fulfillment of the responsibilities and duties of my position as a Sheriff deputy.

  • I shall accept all responsibilities, duties, obligations, and commitments, and will hereby adhere to this Code of Ethics. In so doing, I knowingly accept personal accountability for encouraging my peers to abide by the same Code of Ethics.

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