Training Stages *(WIP)*
Explain to the cadets the process which they will undergo to achieve the rank of officer.
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Explain to the cadets the process which they will undergo to achieve the rank of officer.
Last updated
Academy Phase - This is the phase where you learn the basics of being an officer and how BCSO runs. This phase will be held at MRPD and/or Blaine County Sheriffs Office / Fort Zancudo
Phase 2 Supervised Work - This is the first phase of three where you will be doing ride-along. In this phase, you will be shadowing your FTO on a ride-along.
Phase 3 Ride-along - This is the second phase of the ride-along where you will be taking charge and your FTO will be there to support and give you feedback.
Final Evaluation - This is the last phase in your process as a cadet. In this phase, you will be supervised by a Senior FTO/Sergeant+.
Priority One - Your own life, you’re no good to anybody if you’re dead.
Priority Two - Your partner’s life, they’re also no good to anyone dead, they’re a valuable resource in a scene that shouldn’t be lost if they can be helped up.
Priority Three - Civilian life, your job as a law enforcement officer is to protect and serve the civilians of your community, they will always come first before the suspect.
Priority Four - The Suspect’s life, the suspect is the least of your concerns if you see them fleeing a scene. Still, make sure you are aware of your environment if you do not feel safe, call for backup or move to a safer location. If in a dire situation to protect individuals which are injured you can neutralize the suspect to protect any following incidents occurring that may result in a life or death situation.
Passive Resistance - Resisting an officer’s lawful orders, tensing up, obstructing an investigation while not attempting to injure anyone purposely.
Active Resistance - Actively attempting to hurt or kill officers and other people whilst resisting Officer's commands.
Reasonable Suspicion - Believing someone has been part of a crime or has committed a crime however you have no evidence of them being part of it.
Probable Cause - You have reason to charge someone for committing a crime with evidence gained lawfully from a scene to back up what you are saying.
Level 1 - Ask: Be polite to the subject, ask them politely to do things like step out of the vehicle, say please and thank you, however still maintain control over the scene and have authority in your voice.
Level 2 - Tell: Show the subject that you are in control through stern commands. Telling them to step out and if they refuse they will receive obstruction at this stage you can go up another level.
Level 3 - Make: Physically make the subject do what you’re telling them to do, like remove them from the vehicle at gunpoint or drag them out depending on case by case. You can also remove the keys out of the ignition and use a taser. Give loud verbal commands so they are aware of what you are asking them to do. (Always try to de-escalate a situation rather than escalate it, do this by using correct verbal terminology with the suspect and establishing a mutual connection).
Make sure Cadets do /callsign then their callsign. For example /callsign 131.
Explain how to cuff a suspect and the difference between a hard and soft cuff.
Explain how to search a suspect and what you are looking for and taking off of them.
Explain how to use the MDT and all of the features within it.
Explain and show the penal code.
Explain how to obtain a warrant.
Explain who you should go to, to get the warrant approved.
Explain how to write a report for a warrant.
Explain how to Impound a vehicle with /impound.
Explain how to seize a vehicle and fill out a report in discord for it.
Explain how to fine with /bill.
Explain how to jail with /jail.
1x Pistol MKll. (A FTO will brief you on policy),
1x Taser (Once you complete your taser training),
1x Radio,
1x Flashlight,
1x Nightstick,
1x Handcuffs,
x15 Evidence bags,
1x DNA Field Swab Kit,
1x GSR Field Swab Kit,
1x Nikoff G900 (Scene Documentation Camera)
1x Breathalyzer,
x4 Heavy armor (4 is the max. 1x you equip when you fly in and then have 2-3 because sometimes the bubble makes your armor disappear).
Explain how the 911P system works.
Explain how the 911E/311 system works.
Explain how the 911R system works and how to reply to 911. Eg: 911R ID On the way. Since this can be a tool to help you gain more information if you need more intel/can’t find the location of the person.
Explain how to use CCTV Cams.
Radio Channels
1 - Tac 1 (Main),
2 - Tac 2,
3 - Tac 3 (EMS),
4 - Tac 4,
5 - Tac 5,
6 - Tac 6,
7 - Tac 7 (SWAT),
8 - Tac 8,
9 - Tac 9,
10 - Tac 10.
357.5 - Tow Request.
Address the fact they should only be switching from Radio Channel 1-3 unless otherwise said by the watch commander or CPL+.
Handling Service Weapons
Always treat any firearm as if it is loaded.
Always keep your firearm pointed in a safe direction.
Keep your finger off the trigger until you have made the conscious decision to shoot.
(Keep your finger off of left click until you decide to shoot).
Be certain of the environment that you are in. As well as the target and your line of fire of what lies beyond your target.
Always aim for the centre of mass.
Fire until the threat is neutralized.
Never assume a fight is over, make it impossible for the target to fight any longer.
Always cuff suspects when the area is secured.
(Never cuff suspects that are downed and injured. Get them medical attention first).
Electronic Restraint Devices
Taser-trained Officers on duty carry taser devices on their person. This tool is considered less than lethal but not completely not lethal because you pose a health risk if your prong location strike is incorrect and the environment the subject is in such as bridges/buildings/ladders. This is why when operating this device it shouldn’t be used as a toy and should be utilized correctly.
When preparing to tase a subject, officers should advise a verbal warning to the suspect such as “If you do not comply, you will be tasered.” This should be done at least three times so that it is clear that they have heard you. - Before deploying your taser officers should advise when possible “taser, taser” before firing their taser. This is done to ensure the safety of officers around them so they are aware to not run in front of your prongs.
No suspects should be tased on ladders, vehicles, edges of rooftops (or when running/walking towards an edge) or near hill/mountain slopes or drops. This also accounts for some situations where sometimes when the suspect is pointing a firearm as well as in vehicles because due to muscle lockup they will start driving forward/start randomly discharging their firearm.
Tasers should not be deployed on persons standing in water above ankle height. Any person tased in the water of any sort should be actively removed from the water due to drowning risk as soon as possible for their safety. It is however preferable to tase subjects away from water where possible.
Driving Procedures
Code 1 - No lights, No sirens, respond driving normally.
(This code can also be used when you are responding to a call that you do not want people to know PD is arriving before they see the squad car).
Code 2 - Lights with periodic sirens to clear intersections.
Code 3 - lights, Sirens, respond driving urgently with due diligent care.
(At no point should you be driving 100+ MPH. Arrive on time safe rather than getting downed. Means the resources are dragged away from someone needing help to you because you decided to drive like a race car driver).
Traffic Stops
The cadet will position their vehicle at an Angle as it provides engine block cover if the suspect opens fire. This also means if the vehicle is rammed from behind it has less of a chance of hitting the person you are pulling over.
(Diagram not to scale).
Do not walk in the area marked with the red “X”, it is known as the “Dead man's alley”, and it puts you in a prime position to be crushed between the suspect’s vehicle and your own. This being said please do not stand right at the window so you get shot but stand at the divider of the driver/rear passenger window.
Explain to the cadet that the main things to call out over the radio for the traffic stop are, callsign, where you are, the vehicle description, how many occupants are in the car, and if you need backup.
131 + 1, Active traffic stop, North Bound Alta ST (Location), 2-door sports car (Vehicle description), 1x occupied (Occupancy), No additionals required (Additional).
If you do not know the exact model just say it is a 2/4 door SUV/Sedan/Sports etc. If you do not know the occupancy through window tint then do not go guessing just miss that part out and if you feel unsafe call for an additional unit.
During the traffic stop:
Make the callout over the radio,
Run the plate,
Make contact,
Come to a conclusion,
Clear the stop.
After the traffic stop is completed say that the traffic stop is CODE 4 and you are back 10-8.
Felony Traffic Stops
To start the felony stop it would be called out over the radio. Eg: North Bound Alta ST (Location), 2-door sports car (Vehicle description), 1x occupied (Occupancy), and One additional required (Additional).
The second car arriving would arrive with the following pattern, Code 3 / 2 all the way till you are down the street, then you would go Code 1 not to alarm the suspect vehicle. When it approaches the left side of the right squad car then it would activate its lights and park just slightly ahead of the first vehicle already there. This is done to ensure both vehicles have engine block cover.
Essential Felony Traffic Stop Notes
Two officers are needed for a felony stop.
The cadet in the number 2 spot will issue the commands in a loud commanding and clear tone.
There are two ways to do this, one a long way and the short way
Long way: “Driver of the vehicle, Turn the vehicle off using your left hand, Open the window and throw the keys out of the window using your left hand, Using your right hand open the door and step out with your hands up, (Then tell them to go in their eyes AKA first person so they can walk back instead of spinning and looking at you), Make a 360 Spin (Check for weapons) Walk back to the sound of my voice” All the way until you can reach and cuff them.
Short way: “Driver of the vehicle, Turn the vehicle off, Throw keys out of the window, Step out of the vehicle with your hands up, (Then tell them to go in their eyes AKA first person so they can walk back instead of spinning and looking at you), Walk back to sound of my voice” All the way until you can reach and cuff them. Make sure you always search the people before placing them in the squad car.
Following after ALL the people known to be in the vehicle are out. The person in the number 2 spot would announce “BCSO if anyone is inside the vehicle make yourself know” and give 3 warnings. After this number 2 spot would swing around to number 1 and number 1 would take point in a diagonal line track to clear the vehicle in line in a diagonal line to the front left headlight whilst still calling out what they see. For example, the Front/Rear seats are clear. As well as whilst still announcing “BCSO if anyone is inside the vehicle make yourself know”. Once person 1 / 2 has checked that the vehicle inside is clear person 1 would pop the trunk for person 2. After this, the secondary vehicle can be moved in front of the suspect vehicle to stop blocking traffic. Remember you can also call for the Air to be held so that unless another priority happens you have priority traffic on the channel.
Vehicle Pursuit Procedure
Cadets will understand how pursuit procedures work as well as understand the roles primary, secondary, and tertiary officers play in vehicle pursuits.
When pursuing a suspect leave enough space between you and the vehicle in front to be able to stop rapidly and not hit the vehicle.
When pursuing a suspect make sure that someone is calling out the location and direction of travel until the tertiary unit arrives. Then the comms can be temporarily stopped until something changes. This will keep the air clear for any incoming priorities.
When pursuing a vehicle make sure to remain in an orderly single-file line unless attempting to pass, which you must notify the vehicle(s) being passed you are doing so and on what side, when you wish to do so.
Not to self when possible pass the vehicle on the left-hand side. This is done because it is more natural for people to check the left mirror VS the right because that is your self-conscious mind. This way we can minimize external vehicle collisions.
As a driver, shooting out of the vehicle is only permitted when you are feeling life threatened and you are static in the vehicle. However, passengers if authorized are allowed to shoot.
Remember if pursuits become too dangerous. No point in risking lives so just terminate the pursuit. You will get them another day.
Foot Pursuit Procedure
The cadet will learn how to properly and safely pursue a suspect on foot and be able to maintain control over the situation.
When initiating a foot pursuit always remember to immediately call out your location and direction of travel and keep it updated when it changes.
When pursuing continuously give the suspect loud, clear, commands to stop, and identify yourself as the police
When running around corners in foot pursuits either go out wide or stop and check the corner with your correct equipment for that situation first before continuing as they may be hiding this can include sitting/lying etc.
Eventually threaten the suspect with a taser or K-9 if available, if a K-9 Unit in foot pursuits should always be lead. (If K9 is on scene AT NO POINT should you be in front of the dog. This is because the dog is not a toy and it will lock on to anything that is in front of it).
PIT Maneuver
The cadet will learn how to perform a safe PIT maneuver. A Pursuit Intervention Technique is also known as a PIT. This may be requested to attempt to end the chase. Conditions being safe traffic conditions/pedestrian count. The chase has gone over 10 min and it is away from inside the city's busy streets. A PIT would be carried out at any speed under 80 MPH. A PIT authorization is only allowed through a Sergeant or Higher.
A PIT maneuver is performed by speeding up on the left side of the target vehicle and briskly pushing into the right rear fender.
All vehicles have different sweet spots, One of the most common is near the start of the rear tire. When making contact with the vehicle, keep the turn arc going until you have made sure you won’t make contact with the vehicle again. Then proceed past the vehicle a little to allow other officers to box it in and not get in their way, then proceed to assist the other officers.
The box which is done at the end is called an APET (AKA Rolling Road Block). This is utilized as a boxing technique of a vehicle, meaning the suspect vehicle is in the middle surrounded by squad cars until the suspect vehicle rolls to a complete stop.
Barricaded Subjects
The cadets will learn what to do when a subject has barricaded themselves inside a building. Bear in mind that Sometimes hostages are involved and sometimes they are not. Call over the radio and see if SWAT is active and available, if not then request available additionals. Make sure to establish someone who is scene command.
Surround the building to the best of your abilities and secure any exits.
The primary officer should be at the front of the building issuing clear, loud commands to the subject inside.
Bring the subject to you, DO NOT LEAVE COVER.
Secure and detain anyone on the scene.
Any suspect refuses to exit after more than 5 minutes of commands to enter the building to clear it.
Room Clearing
The cadets will learn how to clear a building properly with a two-man breaching team.
Formulate a plan whilst in cover, with minimal exposure and the least amount of uncovered angles possible. Make sure you figure out who is taking point (Lead).
Have the cadets stack up on the door with one cadet on one side and one cadet/Officer on the other side of the door. Then the cadet on left will call out saying that he/she is clearing the left while the cadet on right will clear the right.
Make sure that you are hugging the wall at all times of the building so you are not exposed dead centre. Make sure whoever is taking point is calling the locations of doors and you are working as a team to check if they are locked/Open. Following this, you are then clearing them accordingly.
Important Info
10 Codes
10-4 - Acknowledged or Affirmative.
10-6 - Busy or on break(used when typing reports or not available for calls).
10-7 - Out of service (shift end).
10-8 - In-service (shift started ready for calls).
10-9 - Repeat the last transmission (used if you couldn’t hear or didn’t understand the last radio call).
10-20 - Your Current Location / Current Call location.
10-32 - Requesting Backup.
Code callouts
Code 1 = Respond at convenience (non-emergency) with no lights or sirens.
Code 2 = Responding with Lights on (Priority call).
Code 3 = Responding with Lights and Sirens (Urgent/Emergency call).
Code 4 = Scene/Traffic stop all clear.
Miranda Rights
You read them as follows below:
“You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say or do can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be provided for you by the state of San Andreas”.
“Do you understand the rights I have just read to you?”
“With these rights in mind, do you wish to speak to me?”
Remember rights are only read when questioning someone or when you know someone is about to incriminate themselves so that you can use it in court against them. There is no such thing as if you cuff them you must read them the rights. Some people will try to use that as a free get out of jail card so watch it.
Report writing
Only write the reports from your/others' unit numbers and as if the judge is in the courtroom reading it to everyone. List all the important information even if someone accidentally messed up with the policy because that will cover you in court.
Example below:
Kevin Anderson
Innocence Blvd - 247 Shop Robbery - (Related to Report - ID: 129)
[Officers Involved]: 103, 135.
[Suspects Involved]: Kevin Anderson (DOB:1991-03-24), Lauren Cooper (DOB:2000-11-10).
Related to Report ID: 129.
On scene:
103 and 135 responded on scene to a 247 shop robbery on Innocence Blvd. Postal:9046. Upon arrival 2x, individuals were identified on scene. 1x BM / Black Hoodie / Black Jeans/ Black Shoes /, 1x WF / Red Tank Top/ Blue Jeans / White - Baige shoes. On CCTV 243 witnessed the BM / Black Hoodie / Black Jeans/ Black Shoes / attempting to break through cash registers and 1x WF / Red Tank Top/ Blue Jeans / White - Baige shoes brandishing a firearm at the door. They also had 4 door sports car Model: Unknown / Colour: Red / LP: Unknown. (This vehicle later did a magic trick and vanished).
During the scene:
135 began negotiations after the 1x BM / Black Hoodie / Black Jeans/ Black Shoes, 1x WF / Red Tank Top/ Blue Jeans / White - Baige shoes spotted police outside they began very agitated and aggressive. They both held Glocks in their right hands and would not show us their hands. 1x BM / Black Hoodie / Black Jeans/ Black Shoes began to tell 135 how he "Won't make it home" as well as telling 135 he will die. The 1x BM / Black Hoodie / Black Jeans/ Black Shoes just kept directing criminal threats at 135.
During this time the 1x WF / Red Tank Top/ Blue Jeans / White - Baige shoes kept going on her radio and standing behind shelving so we could not see her hands. 1x BM / Black Hoodie / Black Jeans/ Black Shoes and 1x WF / Red Tank Top/ Blue Jeans / White - Baige shoes kept passing backwards and forwards through the store trying to provoke 103 and 135 to do something. This also included trying to do combat stances as well as pointing firearms slightly but then not pointing. 135 and 103 wanted this to resolve peacefully without a shootout. This went on for around 30 minutes... Amongst the continuation of the 30 min. Multiple threats continued to happen toward law enforcement.
1x BM / Black Hoodie / Black Jeans/ Black Shoes decided that he had enough and he put on a black wrap around the mask and began to head for the front door. 1x BM / Black Hoodie / Black Jeans/ Black Shoes then begins to sprint outside shooting and aiming his gun directly at 135. Followed by 1x WF / Red Tank Top/ Blue Jeans / White - Baige shoes who began shooting as well at 135. 103 then took shots at 1x BM / Black Hoodie / Black Jeans/ Black Shoes and 1x WF / Red Tank Top/ Blue Jeans / White - Baige shoes until the threat was neutralised.
103 and 135 got medical treatment to 1x BM / Black Hoodie / Black Jeans/ Black Shoes and 1x WF / Red Tank Top/ Blue Jeans / White - Baige shoes until EMS came to help them out. Both individuals were then transported by EMS to Pillbox Hospital.
After the scene at Innocence Blvd Postal:9046:
1x BM / Black Hoodie / Black Jeans/ Black Shoes was identified as Kevin Anderson (DOB:1991-03-24) and 1x WF / Red Tank Top/ Blue Jeans / White - Baige shoes was identified as Lauren Cooper (DOB:2000-11-10). Kevin Anderson's (DOB:1991-03-24) rights were read at Pillbox Hospital and Kevin Anderson (DOB:1991-03-24) plead guilty to the charges.
Extra information:
This ended up escalating more than it should and nearly turned into suicide by a cop. Kevin Anderson (DOB:1991-03-24) stated that his father was shot by the police therefore his demeanour to the police is that they will go kill and shoot you whether or not you possess a firearm or threaten them. 103 explained how this is not true and police value everyone's life and if you put down the firearm everything would have resolved peacefully without a shootout. Kevin Anderson (DOB:1991-03-24) said he will think about it in the future.
Inside the store:
Four prints were found in the store which are as follows:
2x Finger-prints (ID: UM168P08EVO6568) come back to Larry Miles-Gunner (DOB:2001-11-09).
2x Finger-prints (ID: KQ361H73YQO4159) come back to Kevin Anderson (DOB:1991-03-24).
These 4x fingerprints were found behind the counter on the cash registers as well as the safes. However, Larry Miles-Gunner's (DOB:2001-11-09) prints were not involved in this scene.
Patient Medical Report:
Patient Name: Kevin Anderson.
Date of Treatment/Assessment: 27-03-2022.
Time: 2:17 PM CST.
Current Injury: Exit wounds on lungs - Non Exit wound lodged bullets spine.
[Items Confiscated/Evidence Collected]:
1x Crowbar,
4x Lockpicks,
1x Glock (SN:70BLJ8NP642HIHB),
3x Marked Bills (Add up to $861),
2x Fingerprints (ID: UM168P08EVO6568) come back to Larry Miles-Gunner (DOB:2001-11-09).
2x Finger-prints (ID: KQ361H73YQO4159) come back to Kevin Anderson (DOB:1991-03-24).
[Sentencing]: Fined: $1900, Sentenced: 20 Months.
Store Robbery (x1)
Attempted Murder on LEO (x1)
Threat to do Bodily Harm (x1)
Unlawful discharge of a firearm (x1)
Aiden Frankie (103)
Graduation from Academy
The FTO that is conducting the last portion of the training will gather the cadet up and explain that the Academy portion of the training is over. All the phases are complete. Now you need to do a final evaluation with the Senior FTO.
Once that is complete then congratulations on becoming an Officer!
Phonetic Alphabet